Shire Horse Stud

Calm, Serene and Majestic

Shire Horses were once very popular due to their size and strength and their ability to pull machinery and carts. Before motorised vehicles were invented, the only way fields could be effectively ploughed and large objects hauled was for a large draught horse to do it.  Even during wartime these horses proved their worth and diversity by ‘turning a hoof’ to carrying soldiers into battle and carrying supplies to the front lines; as well as transporting injured and dead men from the front lines to safety.

Unfortunately since the Industrial Revolution, technology in machinery and vehicles advanced to the extent that these horses were no longer needed. This led to the decline in this beautiful gentle giant and there are less than 2000 in existence today, this means that they are in danger of becoming extinct.

They were recently placed on the register for “at risk” breeds.

Old Photo of Shire

My Vision

I hope to help increase the public’s’ awareness of these wonderful animals and, using my Stallion Jasper, to also increase the population of shire foals within the UK. I hope that people realise that while machines and technology have proven to assist within the industrial revolution there can be no better way of working than with one of natures’ finest animals, the Shire.  A strong, versatile and calm animal with the strength to pull machinery, the ability to work in all weathers and the ability to adapt to many different situations and climates, this wonderful animal has adapted to all of life’s challenges and sought to regain its rightful place in society.