/ by /   Shadow / 0 comments

08 June 2022

Shadow showed an interest when I went into the field, he allowed me to go over and offer him a carrot, this in turn allowed me the chance to stroke his nose and reassure him that I am someone he can trust, as soon as he spotted the lead rope he walked off. I followed him and he turned to interact with me, so I quickly attached the lead rope to his headcollar and asked him to follow me; he planted his hooves! Undeterred I persisted and asked him to trust me, he chose to follow me. I spent time walking around with lots of walk halt transitions and then walking on again. No stops, no wandering off and no refusals to walk on. With praise and kindness Shadow even let me plait his mane and give him a bit of a massage. Shadow has found a friend in Lunar, so I’ll use Lunar as a lead horse to build trust and show Shadow what to do.