Cautious, Friendly & Loveable

Name: Tom Thumb

Breeder: M Burton

Sex: Colt

Foaled: 26th March 2021

Colour: Skewbald

Blaze: Irregular

Features: Black Points

Height: 14 hh

Sire: Ellston Jasper 47821

Dam: Fourlands Lizzie Brown

Waterfall Tom Thumb Side

About Waterfall Tom Thumb

Tom Thumb arrived 6am on a cold wet morning – born to Lizzie Brown, her 4th foal and Jasper’s 4th foal.

Cheeky from the word ‘go’, he loved to play with his brother Crackerjack. He badgered William until he accepted him as an annoying nephew! Slightly timid with strangers but friendly and playful with Uncle William and even the cows in the next field. He would stand back and take it all in prior to integration.

Born a day after his brother (Crackerjack) Tom Thumb was a stunning, strong, healthy, confident skewbald colt. He was cheeky, opinionated and artful. Sadly he contracted pneumonia at 6 weeks old and although we’d caught it before it was ‘pneumonia’ he didn’t make it. I was heartbroken.
